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« Son of Nedstat: comScore’s Digital Analytix vs. SiteCatalyst, Google Analytics, Webtrends et al | Main | Time to Contribute Your Profiles in Analytics »

May 19, 2011



Just a note that you neglected to mention that in Adobe Insight, the multi-channel, n-dimensional, deep-dive analysis tool within the Adobe Online Marketing Suite, you have access to all uniques. And if you utilize the DataWarehouse-to-Insight feed solution, they're all available each day.


Michael -
Thanks for pointing this out. However, I don't think including Insight is quite an apples-to-apples comparison at least for the following reasons:
-Insight is used primarily as an analyst workbench for multi-channel data analysis rather than as a web analytics tool set.
-Insight is quite a bit more expensive than SiteCatalyst and Discover.

If you want to talk about Insight comparison wouldn't it be more accurate to match this up against SAS?


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